Crystal Divination is an ancient art that is enjoying a revived interest. The ‘’poor man’s’’ crystal may be a glass of water, for true, the word crystal is from the Greek, meaning ‘’frozen water’’. For centuries, it was believed rock crystal was water turned into stone. Until the 17th century this conception remained unchanged.
Instinctively, there is the desire to peer into the unknown. Even those who have no inclination to find their answers in the crystal are tempted to stop and gaze into any translucent sphere that may present itself.
Eventually those endowed with a natural ability to look into the future through concentrated attention found they were aided by gazing into a crystal. The reissuance of this fine old treatise on crystal gazing provided answers to questions repeatedly sought by present-day gazers. There are definite instructions for use and care of the crystal itself.
Attention is called to the Magnetic Laws :—Persistence of Purpose, Attention, Calmness, Will, Intensity and Polarity.
Of special interest to the seer will be the explanation of the appearances in the crystal and the meaning of the phenomena as well as the magical hours to pursue crystal-gazing under the rights planets and angels.
5.5" x 8.5" (13.3 x 20.3 cm)
Unicursal, 114 pages
ISBN-10: 2898064548
Crystal Gazing and Clairvoyance
Practical instructions in the art, history, and philosophy of this ancient science
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